News & Updates: Data in Practice: Practical Applications of Data Merging
Data in Practice: Practical Applications of Data Merging
Posted by Marie Jonas
Working with advanced Excel tools can streamline case analysis and save clients money. Excel functions like VLOOKUP, which are used to merge data, are especially versatile in legal practice. Consider these three examples:
Accuracy of Data Reports
Mandatory data reporting often comes with legal risks. Take EEO-1 Reporting, which requires employers to report information on workplace diversity. Even if the data does not lead to an enforcement action, it can highlight a client’s risk areas. Clients often struggle to compile data from multiple sources and may want a legal perspective as to whether something looks “off.” Having some basic knowledge of tools like VLOOKUP allows attorneys to cross-check the accuracy of compiled reports. With a cleaned-up data set, lawyers can also look for irregular or outlying data that may lead to greater scrutiny from regulators. If the irregular data is the result of an error (for example, an error in a database entry), an extra set of data-adept legal eyes could lead to a correction before the report goes out the door. If the irregularity is not due to an error, the client has notice of the issue and can take steps to address it, if needed.
Preliminary Factual Investigation and Exposure Analysis
Critical case information is often housed in separate data sources. Data merging with VLOOKUP enables a “quick and dirty” analysis of case facts that otherwise may be delayed until expert retention. For example, by using VLOOKUP to merge a list of employees with payroll information, an Excel-adept outside counsel can facilitate a preliminary exposure analysis, push back on outrageous demands, and achieve an early settlement.
Efficiently Disputing Facts
As I explained last week, one common use for VLOOKUP is pairing document-level information from two lists using a unique document identifier, such as a Bates or Control-number. This has applications at multiple stages in a case – from initial document review to the development of exhibit lists for trial.
For example, imagine receiving a statement of undisputed facts from opposing counsel during summary judgment briefing. Defense counsel needs to see what case documents plaintiff cites and compare the list to documents defendant may rely on, with related notes and metadata. Again, VLOOKUP can help with this (no-longer) tedious endeavor. Extract the documents in question by searching for the document prefix in the statement of undisputed facts and populate a list in Excel. Next, use VLOOKUP to cross check the list of documents cited by plaintiff with your list of “key documents.”
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This overview should give you some idea of how a seemingly hyper-technical function like VLOOKUP will become a critical part of your everyday practice.
Data permeates every aspect of legal practice. Data in Practice is a bimonthly feature to provide practical tools for attorneys to better organize, manipulate, and understand data. Whether it’s working with basic case information, preparing document productions, or conducting exposure analyses, a more robust knowledge of Excel is guaranteed to streamline your work. A few simple tools can help attorneys more efficiently and effectively represent their clients, and better navigate a professional landscape inundated with big data.
Marie Jonas is a Partner in Folger Levin’s litigation practice group. Marie has over a decade of hands-on experience working with Excel in all aspects of her practice: ranging from investigations to trial. If you have an idea for a topic involving practical data tips for lawyers, she can be reached at